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Book 'V2-VERGELTUNG' from The Hague |
1 In the Netherlands V2s to London were also launched from Walcheren and from Hook of Holland and to Antwerp from Dalfsen. From German territory the cities of Antwerp and Liege and other towns in Belgium and France were targeted.
2 Saukel was the assistant of minister Speer, in charge of rationalizing the labour force, including the use of Fremdarbeiter (forced volonteer labourers from the occupied territories, like France, Belgium, The Netherlands, but also Poland, Ukraine and Czechoslovakia).
3 The summer of 1943 is also reported.
4 PAK-bunker: Panzerabwehrkanone-bunker; this is a bunker for anti-tank artillery.
5 Translation: after blowing up the launching places on the 27th of March 1945, the V2 men left Scheveningen and The Hague. All kinds of military material were loaded on the railway wagons and left in the direction of Germany.
6 Defence of V2 operations with mobile anti-aircraft guns (FLAK) at the Monsterseweg.
7 Somer, J.M.: Man in oorlog. De dagboeken van majoor Dr. J.M. Somer, hoofd bureau inlichtingen te Londen 13 maart 1942-22 september 1943. Baarn, 1981.
8 Prof.dr.ir. J.W.H. Uytenbogaart (1897-1964). He informed the English intelligence community about technical design, functioning and operations of the German V1 and V2 weapons. See e.g., his obituary in the newspaper "Arnhems Dagblad", 8 December 1964. Public awareness of his underground research into the Vengeance Weapons started to grow with the presentation of a paper by dr.ir. Paul Th.L.M. van Woerkom at the International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, 2003 and with his publication of an article in the science magazine "Delft Integraal" of Delft University of Technology, June 2004. It received a further boost through the speech given by J.H.A. van den Muijsenberg, mayor of the town of Wassenaar, on the occasion of the dedication of a monument in commemoration of the start of the V2 rocket offensive towards London, from Wassenaar, on 8 September 1944. See http://www.v2platform.nl/ and http://www.chiswickw4.com
9 Born 22nd June 1918 at Rotterdam.
10 Press release: Unique war pictures of ascending V2 rockets above The Hague. Studie en Documentatiecentrum voor Fotografie. Prentenkabinet van de Universiteit Leiden, 15 april 2002.
11 NSB: Nationaal Socialistische Beweging is the Dutch Nazi Party.
12 C. Ryan: Een brug te ver, Van Holkema & Warendorf, Bussum, 1974.
13 Legenda: Lanceerplaats V2 = Launching site V2; Inslag V2 = V2 strike; Inslag vliegtuigbom = Impact bombardments; Bezuidenhout = Bezuidenhout area;
Atlantikwall = Atlantikwall; Sperrgebiet = Out of bounds area.
14 The factories for liquid oxygen were in Schmiedebach in Thüringen and in Puckheim in Austria; the alcohol was manufactured in Poland and Eastern Prussia from potatoes. At the end of the war another factory for liquid oxygen was constructed in the tunnel complex of Mittelbau near Nordhausen.
15 Known at that time as Bataafsche Import Maatschappij, BIM, to distinguish it from the Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij, which operated from London throughout the rest of the world, thus continuing their production in favour of the Allied war efforts.
16 In the Archipel area all streets were named after islands of the Indonesian archipelago, for example Borneostraat.
17 In the Trees and fruit area all streets were named after trees and fruit, for example Indigostraat.
18 The Bloemendaal Foundation is a psychiatric hospital of which the compound contains much green, buildings and a church. The hospital provided a suitable area for launchings.
19 From October 23rd-27th, 1944 inclusive, this spot was used as a launching site. The rocket launches ceased because of the vicinity of the Luftwaffe command post in Overvoorde Park.
20 The Chief of SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamtes Ch.Po./Ha. 2192/429 to the Reichsführer der SS, Berlijn 30 April 1942. Cited as attachment in: Catalogue of camps and prisons in Germany and German-occupied territories Sept. 1st 1939-May 8th 1945. Published: International Tracing Service HQ. Arolsen, April 1950, Vol. II, p. 237 and 238.
21 According to the German Administration: Total strength and death cases of concentration camp Mittelbau from 27.8.43 until 27.3.45. In: Catalogue of camps and prisons in Germany and German-occupied territories Sept. 1st 1939-May 8th 1945. Published by International Tracing Service HQ. Arolsen, April 1950, Vol. II, p. 201.
22 Dr. G. Rickhey [general manager of the Mittelwerke firm] calculated a decrease in the number of man-hours for the building of the V2 from 17.000 for the 100th piece to 3500 from the 1000th piece; this is because the further efficiency of the production process; his estimated costprice per unit was DM 56.000. Resarch and development was also directed at further simplification of the design and reducing the quantities of strategic material, needed to construct the rockets. For example: the new simplified combustion chamber [Ofen] was tested and the use of pressed paper [Pappe] fuel tanks was considered.
23 Surprisingly during an exhibition in the Loosduinse Museum in 2003 a V2 injection nozzle was recognised by a former workman of a local copper foundry, who was involved in producing them.
24 Kriegstärkenachweisung (Heer) Nr. 1752/1752a of 1 January1945, respectively as Anlage zu I/21456/45g and I/917/45 gk.
25 All kind of military vehicles and material was loaded on railway wagons in the railway stations Hollands Spoor en Staats Spoor.
26 Czech Homepage of the V-2 rocket, 2003. URL: http://www.jirzy.webzdarma.cz/indexe.html
27 United States Strategic Bombing Survey: V-weapons report. In: Madej, W.V.: The war machine. German weapons and manpower, 1939-1945, p. 173.
28 Tom Gehrels, who worked in Holland as a secret agent for the Dutch Government in London during World War Two, has protested fiercely against the practices of the German V2-scientists, like Wernher von Braun, in his article 'Of Truth and consequences' in Nature, December 1994. He criticized the glorification of the German scientists in the book 'Wernher von Braun, Crusader for Space' (1994).
29 Davis, B.: V-2 plant survivors publicize their story, Huntsville Times, 02/28/2000. Published in V2 Rocket.com-A4/V2 resource site: A4/V2 in the news. URL: http://www.V2rocket.com/start/others/news.html, 2003.
30 Toftoy, H.N.: Man-made meteor. In: Mechanix Illustrated, Vol. XXXVI, No. 5, September 1946, p. 65.
31 See, in addition to the reading list below, the detailed article ‘Early Russian Ballistic Missiles’ by Mark Wade, published at the website www.astronautix.com
32 A. Klein: Rocket experts of Peenemünde for Russia. In: Nieuwsbrief van de Ruimtevaart Filatelie Club Nederland, Vol. 1990, No. 2, 4.
33 For more photos of the different Russian vehicles for the V2 see S.J. Zaloga: V2 Ballistic Missile. ISBN 1 84176 541 4, London, 2003.
34 This book is the report of a television documenture of the same name of Klaas Jan Hindriks, Rudolf Spoor and Ferial Roelse, broadcasted by the Dutch Public Broadcasting Organisation in the programme Panoramiek at 27 April 1977
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First English edition, Almere – The Hague, August 2005
Translation: Dily Damhuis, Paul Fowlie, Sylvia en Johan van Oosten en
Trees Teunissen.
Original Dutch version published, Almere – The Hague, September 2003 (2nd edition)